Club Constitution
The name of the Club is BRAINTREE BOWLING CLUB, hereafter to be referred to as “the Club” situated between 29/31 Clare Road, Braintree, Essex. CM7 2PA. The Club shall be affiliated to Bowls England, and the Essex County Bowling Association (ECBA) and Essex County Women’s Bowling Association (ECWBA).
The purpose of the Club is to promote the sport of Flat Green Bowls at all levels, providing opportunities for recreation and competition.
The Club is registered with HMRC under the Community Amateur Sports Clubs scheme (CASC), the Club have four legally appointed Trustees who are responsible for the assets of the Club.
To promote, foster and safeguard the outdoor flat green game of Bowls in Braintree and District with membership open to all without discrimination.
To encourage social activities among its members.
To acquire such improvements or additional facilities that may be appropriate to the purpose of the Club and benefit of members.
To manage the Club’s affairs by Committees.
To promote the name of the Braintree Bowling Club and subscribe to any other Associations in the best interest of the members.
To ensure the Club remains solvent and is maintained in an orderly and well run manner.
The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect private benefit of members and all surplus income or profits are reinvested in the club.
The Club may provide sporting and related social facilities, sporting equipment, coaching courses, insurance cover, and other ordinary benefits of Community Amateur Sports Clubs as provided for in the Finance Act 2002.
The Club may also in connection with the sports purposes of the Club:
3a. Sell and supply food, drink and related sports clothing and equipment.
- 3b. Employ members (though not for playing) and remunerate them for providing goods and services, on fair terms set by the Management Committee
- 3c. Pay for reasonable hospitality for visiting teams and guests.
- 3d. Raise funds by appeals, subscriptions, loans and charges.
- 3e. Borrow money and give security for the same in conjunction with the Trustees, and open bank accounts.
4. The Management Committee will have due regard to the laws on disability discrimination and child and vulnerable person protection.
All Capital expenditure is to be approved by the Club Management Committee without exception.
Capital items include equipment for the upkeep of the green and surrounding paths and patios, furniture, both indoor and outdoor, equipment for the upkeep of the clubhouse and equipment for the bar and kitchen. The purchase of permanent competition trophies will be classed as capital expenditure.
All Capital Equipment purchases are to have a minimum of two quotes of cost and delivery, in writing, for the Management Committee to review and approve.
The Honorary Treasurer will be allowed to authorise expenditure up to an agreed limit, but within the annual budget, without referral to the Management Committee on consumable items for the general daily running of the Club. The limit to be set by the Management Committee at their first meeting after the AGM and to be minuted accordingly.
Consumable items include stocks for the bar, cleaning materials, council tax, utilities, and any other regular items that are required for the day to day running of the Club.
Consumable Materials, Fertilizers and Chemicals for the general upkeep of the green will in certain circumstances exceed the agreed budget, the Green Ranger is to inform the Honorary Treasurer as soon as the cost of these materials is known and before the purchase of same.
With the exception of members responsible for the upkeep and running of the kitchen, bar, green and general maintenance, who will have an agreed budget from the Management Committee, no member is to make any purchases without the prior approval of two members of the Management Committee.
Expenditure for mandatory inspections and certification by local authorities such as Health and Safety, Food Hygiene and Fire Protection Systems will be monitored by the Management Committee.
The Management Committee may authorise expenditure on any single capital item or any single contract up to a maximum of £10,000.00. Expenditure greater than £10,000.00 on any single capital item or any single contract must be referred to the membership at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.
Membership of the Club shall be open to any person interested in the sport, regardless of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief or ability who complete a membership application form and pay the relevant subscription/joining fee as determined by the club. Membership may be refused where there is good reason to believe that the applicant would be a disruptive influence or prejudice the good conduct of the Club. All new applicants to complete a New Member Application Form. From the date on this form the name of the applicant will be posted on the Club Notice Board for a period of two (2) weeks. Should any Full, Senior or Honorary Life Member have any reason as to why we should not accept this applicant, this must be put in writing to the Honorary Secretary within the two (2) week period. If there are no objections the Chairperson will sign the applicants New Member Application Form approving their Membership. Should there be any objections the application will be passed to the Management Committee, their decision will be final.
The Club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis, the categories of membership are:
- Ordinary playing member hereinafter called Full Member:
- 3a. The requirements for full membership shall be not less than eighteen years of age as at the 1st April in that calendar year, and be encouraged to participate actively in all Club activities. They shall have full voting rights at all General Meetings of the Club and their respective sections and the right to stand for election to Committee Positions and Operational Positions.
4. Senior Member:
- 4a. Senior membership shall, at the Management Committees discretion, be available to members age 80 plus who have been full members of the Club for ten consecutive years. They will be exempt from payment of subscription but have full voting rights at all General Meetings of the Club and their respective sections, and the right to stand for election to Committee Positions and Operational Positions.
5. Honorary Life Member:
- 5a. The Club shall have power at the Annual General Meeting to elect Honorary Life Members. Candidates for election shall be recommended to the Annual General Meeting by the Management Committee, they must have been a full member for at least 10 consecutive years.
- 5b. Honorary Life Members shall be exempt from the payments of subscription but shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of full membership of the Club, including the right to attend and vote at all General Meetings of the Club. They may also be nominated for committee and/or other office in the Club.
6. Associated Life Member:
- 6a. At the Management Committees discretion, non-members may, in recognition of the most exceptional and meritorious service to the Club, be elected an Associated Life Member. They may attend all General Meetings of the Club but not vote or stand for election to Club Committees.
7. Carpet Bowl Member:
7a. Shall be available to people not playing outdoor Bowls and not categorised as Social Members. Together with all other Membership categories, apart from Social, they will be able to take part in Carpet Bowls, can be a member of the Carpet Bowlers sub-committee and elect a Carpet Bowl Delegate who shall be able to attend and vote at both Men’s and Ladies Section Committee Meetings. All Carpet Bowl Members may attend all General Meetings of the Club but not vote or stand for election for other Club Committee positions.
8. Social Member:
- 8a. Shall be available to people not playing outdoor or carpet Bowls. They may attend all General Meetings of the Club but not vote or stand for election to Club Committees.
9. Junior Member:
- 9a. The requirements for junior membership shall be less than eighteen years of age as at the 1st April of that calendar year, they will pay a reduced subscription to be decided by the Annual General Meeting. They may attend all General Meetings of the Club but not vote or stand for election to Club Committees. They will, at all times, be under the supervision of a full member and may play in teams in the men’s and ladies sections as appropriate.
- 9b. Any persons over the age of eighteen as at 1st April in that calendar year, who are in full time education, will at the Management Committee’s discretion be offered membership at the same reduced subscription and same restrictions except that supervision by full members will not be required.
A member wishing to withdraw his/her membership from the Club must give notice, in writing, to the Hon. Secretary.
The Management Committee shall have the power to request any member to resign or to terminate any membership, and to enforce the exclusion from the Club premises of any member deemed by them: to have violated any Club rule /regulation, theft or fraud against the Club, sexual misconduct, unseemly conduct or use of profane language on Club premises, or considered a disruptive influence or a prejudice to the good conduct of the Club. For the purpose of this rule a vote of not less than two thirds of the Management Committee in favour thereof shall be necessary. Upon the termination or exclusion of any membership under this rule the subscription paid for the current year shall be forfeited.
The Management Honorary Secretary shall confirm the exclusion to the member by letter to their last known address.
Any member who is affected by the above rule may appeal to the Honorary Secretary if they believe they have a reasonable case against cessation or exclusion. Any such appeal shall be in writing within 21 days of the date of the Hon. Secretary’s letter.
On receipt of an appeal the Management Chairperson will call an Appeals Committee Meeting consisting of the Management Chairperson, a Trustee of the Club and a Full Member not on the Management Committee. The member concerned will be informed in writing to their last known address of the place, date and time of the Appeals Committee Meeting and may attend or be accompanied or be represented at the meeting with a right to state their case.
The Appeals Committee shall consider the circumstances and by majority vote may accept or reject the appeal. If the appeal is accepted no penalty shall apply, however, if the appeal is rejected then the Honorary Secretary will confirm the cessation of membership or exclusion in a letter to the member.
Any other disputes or disciplinary matters are covered by the adoption of the Bowls England Regulation 9 Disciplinary Policy.
The Officers of the club shall be, Chairperson, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.
All Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club from, and by, the members of the Club.
All Officers are elected for a period of one year, but may be re-elected to the same office, or another office, the following year.
Green Ranger, Assistant Treasurer, Bar Stewards (2), Catering Co-ordinator, Commucations Officer, Website Co-ordinator, Safeguarding Officer and Welfare Co-ordinator will all be elected at the AGM. All will report and be responsible to the Management Committee.
The Management Committee may appoint other Key Operational Positions as required.
The affairs of the Club shall be controlled by a Management Committee comprising of the Chairperson, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Green Ranger together with the Ladies and Men’s Section Committee Chairperson’s and Secretary’s, or their appointed substitutes all of whom will have the same voting rights. Four members are required to form a quorum. The Management Committee shall control the affairs of the Club on behalf of the members and shall meet as required. Minutes of each Meeting are to be kept on record and should be available for reasonable inspection by members.
A member can be invited to attend a Management Committee Meeting as the Committee feels is necessary. They shall have no voting rights.
The responsibilities of the Management Committee shall be:
- 3a. To ensure the Club is managed to deliver the objectives of the Club.
- 3b. The Honorary Treasurer to keep accurate accounts of the finances of the Club. These to be available for reasonable inspection by members and audited prior to the Annual General Meeting.
- 3c. The Club shall maintain a bank current account and the following Officers shall be authorised to sign Club cheques: two from the Chairperson, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.
- 3d. To make decisions on the basis of a simple majority vote. In the case of equal votes, the Chairperson shall be entitled to an additional casting vote.
4. For administration purposes, there shall be separate sections for Men and Lady Members.
The Men’s Committee shall consist of Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Captain, Two Vice-Captains, Secretary, Match Secretary, Competition Secretary, ECBA Group 2. Delegate, the League Delegate of each league which the Club is affiliated to, Carpet Bowl Delegate and two other Members. Five Members shall be present to form a quorum.
Minutes of each Meeting shall be taken and kept on record, copy of these to be forwarded to Management Committee Chairperson, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer and the Ladies Section Secretary, any items that need to be referred to the Management Committee for discussion or approval should be highlighted.
All members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
The responsibilities of the Men’s Section Committee shall be the management of men’s teams and the interests of men playing members.
Any playing notices required shall be deemed to have been given when posted on the general notice board of the club.
The selection sub-committee shall consist of the Captain and Vice-Captains and they are empowered to invite other Club Members as and when required.
Committee meetings will be held monthly throughout the playing season and at other times as the Chairperson/Secretary deems it necessary.
The Ladies Committee shall consist of Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Captain, Two Vice-Captains, Secretary, Match Secretary, Competition Secretary, ECWBA Delegate, the League Delegate of each League which the Club is affiliated to, Carpet Bowl Delegate and two other Members. Five Members shall be present to form a quorum.
Minutes of each Meeting shall be taken and kept on record, copy of these to be forwarded to Management Committee Chairperson, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and the Men’s Section Secretary, any items that need to be referred to the Management Committee for discussion or approval should be highlighted.
All members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
The responsibilities of the Ladies Section Committee shall be the management of ladies teams and the interests of lady playing members.
Any playing notices required shall be deemed to have been given when posted on the general notice board of the club.
The selection sub-committee shall consist of the Captain and Vice-Captains and they are empowered to invite other Club Members as and when required.
Committee Meetings will be held monthly throughout the playing season and at other times as the Chairperson/Secretary deems it necessary.
The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held not later than the end of December each year, with not less than twenty eight (28) days notice on a Club notice board or by circulating a copy of the notice to every member by post or e mail, to transact the following business:
Confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and any other Special General Meetings held since the last Annual General Meeting.
Receive the examined accounts and report for the year from the Honorary Treasurer.
Receive reports from the Management Committee Honorary Secretary, and Men’s and Ladies Chairpersons.
Election of Chairperson, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Green Ranger and members of the Ladies/Men’s Section Committees, in the event of a tied vote the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
Election of Key Operational Positions i.e. Assistant Treasurer, Bar Stewards (2), Catering Co-ordinator, Communications Officer, Website Co-ordinator, Safeguarding Officer, and Welfare Co-ordinator, in the event of a tied vote the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
Election of an Financial Examiner to examine and validate the Accounts of the Club, in the event of a tied vote the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
Alterations to rules or regulations which must have been communicated in writing to the Hon. Secretary at least fourteen (14) days before the Annual General Meeting.
Motions of which due notice has been given, in writing, to the Honorary Secretary at least fourteen (14) days before the Annual General Meeting.
Twenty (20) Full, Senior or Honorary Life Members shall form a quorum.
Only Full, Senior or Honorary Life Members shall be entitled to one vote at Annual General Meetings, all positions shall be correctly proposed and seconded, a secret written ballot shall take place if more than one person has been proposed and seconded, in the event of a tied vote the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
The Management Committee may convene a Special General Meeting on a majority vote or upon a written request addressed to the Honorary Secretary and signed by at least twenty (20) Full, Senior or Honorary Life Members. The Management Committee shall meet within fourteen (14) days of the request in order to call a Special General Meeting. The Management Committee shall give at least twenty one (21) days notice of any such Special General Meeting. The discussion at such meeting shall be confined to the business stated in the notice sent to Members.
Twenty (20) Full, Senior or Honorary Life Members shall form a quorum at a Special General Meeting. Decisions at a Special General Meeting shall be by a simple majority of those voting in person at the meeting, a secret written ballot shall take place if more than one person has been proposed and seconded for a position. In the event of a tied vote the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
Any proposed alterations to the Club Constitution may only be considered at an Annual or Special General Meeting, convened with the required written notice of the proposal. Any alteration or amendment must be proposed by a Full, Senior or Honorary Life Member of the Club and seconded by another Full, Senior or Honorary Life Member. Such alterations shall be passed if supported by not less than two-thirds of those full members present at the meeting, assuming that a quorum has been achieved.
- Every Officer of the Club and Committee Members shall be insured by the Club in respect of any claim made against any one of them in respect of the pursuance of their duties, except insofar as such a claim may relate to wilful individual fraud or wrongdoing on the part of the Officer or Committee member who is sought to be made liable.
Subscriptions for the ensuing year shall be recommended by the Management Committee and decided at the Annual General Meeting.
The subscription of existing members shall become due for payment from 1st April.
Any existing member failing to pay a subscription by the 1st May shall, after consideration of the Management Committee, be liable to forfeit all rights and privileges pertaining to membership of the Club.
New members subscriptions shall be payable on election.
Any new member joining after July 15th shall pay a reduced subscription as determined by the Honorary Treasurer, with the exception of Social and Junior Members.
The sale of intoxicating liquor shall be permitted to the members of visiting Clubs, providing such visiting members are officiating or participating in the Game of Bowls.
The sale, or consumption of intoxicating liquor on club premises shall be permitted during the hours of opening, in accordance with current legislation, all non-members or casual visitors to the club must sign the visitor’s book.
The dates and times for opening and closing the Green shall be decided by the Management Committee after consultation with the Green Ranger.
The appointed Green Ranger shall during the season, be responsible for:
- 1a. The maintenance of the green and direction of play on the green.
- 1b. The position and spacing of each rink within the confines of the green.
- 1c. Closure of any rinks(s) if deemed unfit for play from any cause.
Any complaint by members concerning the management of the Club, or arrangements within it, or any suggestion for improvement of the Club shall be made in writing to the Hon. Secretary in the first instance.
At a properly convened Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting, any proposal to dissolve the Club will require a majority of not less than three quarters of those members present and voting.
The Management Committee will then be responsible for the orderly dissolution of the Club’s affairs.
After settling all liabilities of the Club, the Trustees shall dispose of the net assets remaining to one or more of the following: To another Club with similar sports purposes which is a registered charity and/or to another Club with similar sports purposes which is a registered CASC and/or to the Club’s governing body for use by them for related community sports.
Where there is any conflict between any of the above Rules (“key Rules”) and any other rule or rules the key Rule(s) will take priority. Interpretation of all the Rules must be consistent with the statutory requirements for CASCs (which means Community Amateur Sports Clubs as first provided for by the Finance Act 2002).